Online Programmes
Since returning to school in August, our children have been working hard on Mathletics (whole school) and Accelerated Reader (P4 to P7). We celebrate the children's success during our online assemblies and these photos highlight how much effort the children are all putting in, which is great to see.
Accelerated Reader helps develop a child's independent reading skills and looks to instil a love for reading.
Mathletics, which we have only introduced this year, reinforces the mathematical skills and concepts that are being taught in the classroom and through 'Live Maths' allows children an opportunity to sharpen their recall while competing against other players from around the world. This month we took part in the Mathletics November Challenge and finished 152nd in the world - next year we are targeting a top 100!!!
St John's Eglish Primary School and Apple Blossom Playgroup, 57 Eglish Road, Portadown, Craigavon, County Armagh BT62 1NL Phone: 028 3885 1743