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St John's Eglish Primary School, Craigavon

RDS Science Fair

11th Jun 2018

For the second year in succession we attended the RDS Science Fair in the Waterfront Hall in Belfast. This was a fantastic day, where the pupils not only showcased their own work but were afforded the chance to attend Science shows and visit the stands of other schools from all over Ireland. The pupils have worked diligently with Miss McGeown during Eco-Club, in class, at break and dinner time and indeed at home in preparing their investigation for the show.


The boys and girls undertook an experiment to attract more birds to our school grounds. They firstly studied the different types of garden birds found in our area, made factfiles and books using the iPads with information and images of the various birds.

Next, the pupils thought about how they may attract birds to the school and they planned the various stages of their investigation, making predictions about what might happen. In collecting the data, the pupils recorded the number of each bird spotted on the school grounds on a tally chart and produced graphs to display the information. The next step was attracting more birds by making bird feeders, bird houses and bird baths and placing them around the grounds. To find out what impact these ,easeures had the pupils then collected data by bird watching again and observed much higher numbers of each bird. 


Lots of pupils also made fantastic bird models and drawings which were a real hit and added greatly to our display.


Thanks to Miss McGeown and Mrs West for their huge effort in preparing, carrying out and displaying the project. Thanks also to all parents for their assistance and enthusiasm in helping the children prepare and make their bird models. 


Finally and very importantly, a huge well well done and congratulations to the pupils who blew the judges away with their knowledge, enthusiasm and their ability to speak so effortlessly to pupils, teachers and visitors who came to our stand.