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St John's Eglish Primary School, Craigavon

Pupil of the Month


Our first winner of our new Pupil of the Month award for exemplifying our school ethos. 
This P7 pupil showed great initiative in helping her fellow P1 with her belongings without hesitation or the need to be asked!

Well done!


Our Pupil of the Month for April displays maturity beyond her P1 age.

She is always there to help others when they are in need and shows kindness and good manners at every opportunity.


Our first Pupil of the Month in 2023/24 showed great compassion for the new P1s, helping them to feel safe and welcome each morning in the playground. This girl did not even have to be asked by staff to help, she was ready and willing to greet the new children with a smile and bring them to play with others.


October’s Pupil of the Month has shown a caring side beyond his years. He is always very well mannered and greets staff with a smile. The school loves having role models like him.


November Pupil of the Month displayed excellent work in the classroom and enjoys explaining his work. He contributes well to school life and loves to play with others in the playground.


December Pupil of the Month is an extremely helpful girl. She is always on hand when the teacher needs her and goes out of her way to help others. Her manners are also exemplary. 


Our January pupil shows excellent manners and behaviour throughout the year. She has made brilliant improvements in recent times and exemplifies our school ethos daily.


For February, our Pupil of the Month has shown a tremendous improvement throughout the year. She has worked really hard in class and is extremely helpful to others outside the classroom. Nothing is ever too much for her, she is a massive asset to the school!


For the second time this year our P2 pupil has won Pupil of the Month. Throughout March, he exhibited excellent behaviour and exemplified the ethos of the school. Nominated by a different teacher this time it shows how we can continue to build on our improvements.


Pupil of the Month for April is always looking out for others, in particular this month during our Afterschool Club. She ensures that everyone is getting to play and invites those on the periphery to join in.

She is always pleasant at the gate in the morning and speaks to staff with a smile.


Our May Pupil of the Month is an absolute star. One of the most resilient children I have ever met and never ceases to amaze me. We, in St John’s, are all so very proud of her!


The final Pupil of the Month for 2023/24 is a great girl. She is very kind and helpful to others and showed that she is a great sportsperson at Sports Day.

She gives her best at everything she does and is an excellent friend to those in her class!


Pupils of the Month for September and October 2024 showed excellent behaviour and manners.

Both came back at the beginning of the year and were brilliant role models to the rest of the school.


November Pupil of the Month is a great girl who always has a smile on her face and showcases excellent manners. She is kind and welcoming to those around her.

In December we had our Christmas production and our Pupils of the Month spared Mr Morgan and Mr Donnelly’s blushes by helping to choreograph the dance routines for the songs - we are very thankful for that!!